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International Women's Day- Making a change for good!

Building a more equal world

The 8th of March 2022 was International Women’s Day. It was a lovely day full of celebrating all the inspirational women in our lives. Here at WATABABE we agree that women should be celebrated every-day, not just on International Women’s Day.

Having a day like this to raise awareness about equality and women’s rights, is a huge step in the right direction! But there is still such a long way to go before we can say that the world is equal.

So, to show that we are not standing down from the fight for equality, WATABABE is spreading the love to all women today! We’ll talk about all thing’s helping women, with a special message from alumni and feminist Suzy Welsh.

How to support women everyday

International Women’s Day is full of people shouting about love, power, strength, and respect for women. Unfortunately, this doesn’t carry through to everyday. And it should! There are certain women that are representing and fighting for equality all over the world every single day which is so empowering and inspirational. Most people, however, will have gone back to their normal life today, without a second thought at yesterday’s lesson.

Today women are still getting paid less than men. Today black women are paid even less. Today women are still fighting to get their voices heard. Today the #metoo movement will still be around. There isn’t an instant fix to this, it would be amazing if it was that simple. But there needs to be work done every single day to fight for change!

Women should be heard, yesterday, today, tomorrow, every day. Let’s advocate and protect women and girls every day of the year, not just on International Women’s Day.

So here are a few easy ways you can support women:

- Buy from women run businesses. Small businesses are so important to support, and when women run them then they are even more important to buy from! This is not saying to boycott all men’s businesses. But actively making the choice to buy from a female run business instead of a male one will help to make a change!

- Hire/promote women. This obviously doesn’t apply to everyone. But if you are in a position of hiring some new team members, or looking at someone to promote then why not pick a female? Women are constantly fighting to be seen in the workplace and have their voices heard. Show them that you hear what they are saying by offering them a job or a promotion!

- Believe women. This is a deeper subject but essentially, if a woman is telling you that a man made her feel uncomfortable, did something disrespectful etc. then believe her! That is the least you can do to make her feel supported and show her that she has a voice that will be heard.

- Reach out to an inspirational woman every day. Or if not every day, do it every week! Whether that is your mum, sister, grandma, auntie, or best friend. Whoever is a woman in your life that inspires you, cares for you, and has had a positive effect on your life tell them! Not only will this make them smile and make them feel seen. You are also encouraging this behavior to become normal in the world.

- Don’t disrespect women because it’s been okay in the past. This should be obvious, but some people still do it. Women are people! We are humans, with feelings and you shouldn’t disrespect us! (You shouldn’t disrespect anyone). Just because in the past women were treated so poorly, doesn’t mean this behavior is acceptable in the modern day. It wasn’t acceptable then, so it certainly isn’t now!

“Women should be celebrated always, I’m not saying that everyone should become a full-blown feminist, going round the world giving speeches because I know this isn’t for everyone! But becoming a feminist is about believing that women should have the same rights as men, that you see there needs to be changes made. And actually, doing something about it! I know it can be hard, and it’s a challenging, judgmental world out there. But this is a real issue that needs to be addressed and if you start making some small changes they will really make a huge difference eventually! The future is female” Suzy Welsh

There are so many ways that we can all support women every single day. So why aren’t we doing it? One of the reasons WATABABE was started, was to make women feel empowered in their bodies, we designed the entire collection to fit every body type perfectly and make women feel and look amazing. If you fancy supporting our women owned and run business then it would be really appreciated!

Leave a comment on this blog telling us who are inspirational women in your life! And don’t forget to use the tips in this blog to make the world a better place!

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